The Big Case Clinic provides a thorough understanding of large cases from start to finish. Beginning with the type of Client that can lead to large cases as well as the typical Big Cases one might encounter. Examples are:
- Pensions
- Inheritance
- Key Man
- Buy/Sell
How one controls a big case through underwriting will be discussed along with Case Informal Underwriting as it pertains to the application and HIPPA authorizations. “Case Killers” involve a lively discussion of serious medical situations and impairments that can impede case development. Product selection will involve the Pros and Cons of various types of insurance products, fitting the right product with the right need. An overview of a Formal Application, including ratings, counter offers, other offers and how cases are to be financed. Finally Collateral Assignments, Irrevocable Trust, Minors trusts, Wills, Advance Directives, and Living trusts are covered.